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qAqB qCqD qEqF qGqH qIqJ qKqL qMqN qOqP qQqR qSqT qUqV qWqX qYqZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
BIOPUDINA quick relief 5
DONEAR qsf quick stitch 24
EE quick rub 5
FABMALL quick shop 3
FUCHS quick lube center 4
IKISAN quick solution syste 42
M MABU TIRE SEAL quick-seal 17
ORION quick couplings 7
Q quick control fire safety 9
QC quick chek 10
QS quick server 9
QSF quick stich fabric 24
QW quick way EDUCATION +ova 41
QWICHES quick bite 43
RELIANCE super quick 42
RELIO quick 16
SUNSHINE quick 3 9, 16, 25
VADILAL quick treat +oval 29, 30
cure quick pharmaceuticals 35
fast-ANSWERS quick +arrow 9
quicker maths 16
CRYSTAL quickfire 11
quickfix PV FIX 16
WEMBLEY'S quickfix 16
PSP NICE quickmix 7, 21
PSP NICE quickmix +hexagon 21
A1 RELIANCE quickstop 42
SPICE quicky 9
SPICE quicky jab chaho 9
quik-GEL 1
quik-TROL 1
ARTISAN quik-build +oval 6
ACCUCLONE quikblu 10
CITI quikremit 36
A1 RELIANCE quikshop 42
RELIANCE quikshop 42
A1 RELIANCE quiktrip 42
ISHAAN GYAN +book & quill 16
LORVEN +globe book & quill 41
AX-quilt 25
GOLDEN fibre quilt 20
KURLON sugam quilt 20
NEVA quilt enjoy winters 16, 23, 24, 25, 28
NEVA quilt world class 25
VIP thermal quilt 25
VOGLER quilt +flower & oval 25
trade mark NOKHA quilt 24
HIM quilts +face & hills 24
MODI quilts 24
BC-quin 5
NAGARJUNA quinalphos 5
quinasaan 1
DESTRO-quinol 5
CLOREX quite an achievement 1
AVONE quiwam PRS 34
ST quiwam supari 31
USHA quiwam +portrait 34
kashmiri quiwam +building 34
BOURNVITA quiz contest 16, 28
BQC BOURNVITA quiz contest 28
TATA CRUCIBLE business quiz 16, 41
TATA CRUCIBLE campus quiz 16, 41
m.s. ELACHI quiz fragrance 3
KAFFINE +quote & arcs 35
quotes & blurb 9, 38, 41, 42, 45
quotes & square 42
LISTEN IN +quotes & lines 42
HQ hair quotient 3
MARKET quotient 36, 41
OQ obesity quotient +arcs 35, 45
QUIX quotient qq 28
RQ reasoning quotient 16
quoza.com +globe 9, 35, 36, 42
ARISTO qure 5
qurika water purifier 11
ISLAHI'S qurs najat in urdu 5
qutub minar brand M.K.R.M. 30
QUTUB MINAR +qutub minar 30
qv digital 9
hi-TEX qwe +pen 16
r 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 15, 16, 20, 24, 25, 35, 36, 37, 42
r & j 34
r +apple 5
r +arc 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11
r +arches 25
r +arcs 7, 9, 37
r +arrow 5, 9, 10, 16, 29, 30, 32, 35, 41
r +bird 24
r +birds & circle 16
r +butterfly 3
r +circle 11, 12, 25, 30, 35, 36, 42
r +circle & flame 1, 16
r +circle square & stripes 6
r +circles 16, 30, 42
r +circles & eye 5
r +crown 20, 37
r +crown & oval 29
r +diamonds 14
r +dragons 23, 24, 27
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